
Display system tasks in SystemVerilog are used for printing information to the simulation log during simulation. They are primarily used for debugging and monitoring purposes. These tasks allow you to output messages, variables, expressions, and values to the simulation log, helping you understand the behavior of your design and testbench during simulation.

System Task Description
$display Print a string in the terminal
$write Prints a string to the terminal but without the newline character in the end
$displayb Prints the value of the passed variable in its binary format
$writeb Prints the value of the passed variable in its binary format without new line character
$displayh Prints the value of the passed variable in its hexadecimal format
$writeh Prints the value of the passed variable in its hexadecimal format without new line character
$displayo Prints the value of the passed variable in its octal format
$writeo Prints the value of the passed variable in its octal format without new line character
$strobe Prints the string passed but only the last instance of a $strobe is executed, ie multiple $strobes will be ignored
$monitor At the postponed region, if there is a change in the variables value with respect to its pre poned region value, then the $monitor is printed
$strobeb Same as $strobe but prints the variable in binary format
$monitorb Same as $monitor but prints the variable in binary format
$strobeh Same as $strobe but prints the variable in hexadecimal format
$monitorh Same as $monitor but prints the variable in hexadecimal format
$strobeo Same as $strobe but prints the variable in octal format
$monitoro Same as $monitor but prints the variable in octal format
$monitoroff Temporarily disables all the $monitor instances
$monitoron Enabled all the $monitor instances
Theory Questions
    Locked Solution
Coding Questions
    Locked Solution