
Arrays are the vector representation of the fundamental datatypes. Arrays can be homogeneous or non-homogeneous . They can also be packed or unpacked . The fundamental difference between packed and unpacked is; that they occupy space in computer differently. Packed is treated as a single continous space of memory, accessed all at the same time, while unpacked is treated as a group of continous segments of memory.

Some common examples of array declarations are given below:-

reg [1:0] A
reg [4] A
reg [0:1] A
wire [3:0] B
reg [1:0][3:0] B
reg C [1:0]
reg [3:0] C [1:0]
wire [3:0][7:0] C [2][2]
reg [3:0] D [1:0][1:0][1:0]
integer E [1:0]
real F [16]

Packed Arrays

Packed arrays refer to the array declaration where the entirity of the array is treated as a single variable. Indices can still be access individually, but the entire array can also be directly used. Examples of the usage are given below :-

reg [31:0] A
A[1] = 1'b0
A = 32'd100
A[3:2] = 2'd3
$display( "A : %d", A )

Unpacked Arrays

Unpacked arrays refer to the array declaration where the array consists of homogenous elements, ie elements of the same datatype. Elements can be accessed using indices, but the entire array cannot be directly used unlike packed arrays. Examples of the usage are given below :-

integer A [3:0]
A[0] = 32'b0
A[1] = 32'd100
A[3:2] = '{ 32'd100, 32'd200 }
$display( "A : %p", A )
$display( "A[1] : %d", A[1] )

Vector Slicing

Bit-wise part selection is a feature in Verilog that lets you select between a range of bits from an even larger vector. It's an inherited feature in SystemVerilog, so all the rules are the same. It is sometimes also just referred to as " part select ".

To explain it simply; you can use an expression to periodically select a range of bits from a given vector. An expression could mean that you might want to pick 4 bits at a time in an incrementing order from a vector. Or you might want to pick 1 byte at a time in a decrementing order. Either way, this operator is extremely useful in reducing your code length and in some cases, it also improves the readability of your code. There are two kinds of part selects; namely constant and indexed.

Constant Part Select: Here, the expressions inside the address range used in the vector are expressions that ultimately evaluate constants. One additional point is that, if the index is out of bounds, then the output is 'x .

reg [31:0] X;

   // vector[ msb_expr : lsb_expr ]
   X[2**3+1-2:(2**0)+1] = 1; 

Indexed Part Select: In indexed part select, the final range is decided concerning a variable expression for the index and the constant range following it.

reg [31:0] BIG;
reg [0:31] LITTLE;
integer i; // Used as Index

    BIG = $urandom;
    LITTLE = $urandom;

    $display( "BIG : %h", BIG );
    $display( "LITTLE : %h", LITTLE );

    for( i = 0; i < 32/8; i = i + 1 )
        // big_endian_vector[ lsb_expr +: constant_width ]
        // The ranges selected will be [7:0], [15:8], [23:16], [31:24] 
        // based on the value of i ( 0 to 3 )
        // BIG[ 8*i +: 8 ];
        $display( "BIG[ 8*%0d +: 8 ] : %h", BIG[ 8*i +: 8 ] );
        // little_endian_vector[ msb_expr +: constant_width ]
        // The ranges selected will be [0:7], [8:15], [16:23], [24:31] 
        // based on the value of i ( 0 to 3 )
        // LITTLE[ 8*i +: 8 ];
        $display( "LITTLE[ 8*%0d +: 8 ] : %h", LITTLE[ 8*i +: 8 ] );
        // big_endian_vector[ msb_expr -: constant_width ]
        // The ranges selected will be [31:24], [23:16], [15:8], [7:0]
        // based on the value of i ( 3 to 0 )
        // BIG[ 8*i -: 8 ];
        $display( "BIG[ 8*%0d -: 8 ] : %h", BIG[ 8*i -: 8 ] );
        // little_endian_vector[ lsb_expr -: constant_width ]
        // The ranges selected will be [24:31], [16:23], [8:15], [0:7]
        // based on the value of i ( 3 to 0 )
        // LITTLE[ 8*i -: 8 ];
        $display( "LITTLE[ 8*%0d -: 8 ] : %h", LITTLE[ 8*i -: 8 ] );

Working Examples: ( You may simulate the following code to cross check the results )

reg [31:0] BIG;
reg [0:31] LITTLE;
integer i; // Used as Index

function get_index_in_8( input integer num );
    get_index_in_8 = num*8;

   for( i = 2; i < 4; i = i + 1 )
       $display( "BIG[ %0d : %0d ] = %0d", (8*(i+1))-1, (8*(i+1))-8, BIG[ 8*i +: 8 ] );
   for( i = 2; i < 4; i = i + 1 )
       $display( "LITTLE[ %0d : %0d ] = %0d", (8*(i+1))-8, (8*(i+1))-1, LITTLE[ 8*i +: 8 ] );

   for( i = 3; i >= 0; i = i - 1 )
       $display( "BIG[ %0d : %0d ] = %0d", (8*(i+1))-1, (8*(i+1))-8, BIG[ 8*i-1 -: 8 ] );
   for( i = 3; i >= 0; i = i - 1 )
       $display( "LITTLE[ %0d : %0d ] = %0d", (8*(i+1))-8, (8*(i+1))-1, LITTLE[ 8*i-1 -: 8 ] );

   $display( "BIG[32] = %0d", BIG[32] );
   $display( "BIG[39:32] = %0d", BIG[2*8+:8] );
   $display( "LITTLE[32] = %0d", LITTLE[32] );
   $display( "LITTLE[39:32] = %0d", LITTLE[2*8+:8] );
   // Using a function call to get the index expression
   $display( "BIG[2*8+:8] = %0d", BIG[get_index_in_8(1)+:8] );

Theory Questions
    Locked Solution
    Locked Solution
    Locked Solution
    module top;
        integer A[4];
            A = 10;
    No, this type of assignment is invalid, since its not possible to assing a integral value to an array directly.
Coding Questions
    module top;
        integer ARR[2][2][2][2];
        integer i[4];
            for( i[0] = 0; i[0] < 2; i[0] += 1 )
                for( i[1] = 0; i[1] < 2; i[1] += 1 )
                    for( i[2] = 0; i[2] < 2; i[2] += 1 )
                        for( i[3] = 0; i[3] < 2; i[3] += 1 )
                            ARR[i[0]][i[1]][i[2]][i[3]] = $random;
    Locked Solution
    Locked Solution
    Locked Solution
    Locked Solution
    Locked Solution
    Locked Solution