
SystemVerilog assertions are a powerful feature in hardware design and verification that allow engineers to specify and check desired properties of their designs. Think of assertions as statements that describe expected behavior or conditions that must hold true during the execution of a digital design. These properties can range from simple checks, such as verifying that a signal is high or low, to more complex assertions that capture intricate relationships between signals or the sequence of events. By embedding assertions directly into the hardware description, engineers can automatically verify their designs against these properties, helping to catch design bugs, ensure correctness, and improve overall design quality. SystemVerilog assertions provide an essential tool for both design and verification engineers to enhance the reliability and robustness of their digital designs. Some key benifits and advantages of systemverilog assertions are given below:

Design Verification
SystemVerilog assertions help in the verification process by allowing engineers to specify design properties, check for desired behavior, and catch bugs early in the development cycle.

Improved Debugging
Assertions provide detailed error messages and fail-stop behavior, aiding in the identification and localization of design issues during simulation.

Coverage Closure
Assertions can be used to track coverage of specific properties, ensuring that all design scenarios have been adequately verified.

Formal Verification
SystemVerilog assertions can be used with formal verification tools to mathematically prove the correctness of a design, helping to eliminate potential bugs and ensure robustness.

Reuse & Maintainability
Assertions can be written once and reused across different verification environments, making them valuable for design teams working on complex projects.

Specifying Complex Behaviour
Assertions can capture intricate relationships between signals, temporal sequences, and concurrency, enabling designers to specify complex design requirements accurately.

Debugging & Profiling
Assertions can be selectively enabled or disabled to focus on specific aspects of the design or to improve simulation performance during debug and profiling stages.

Important Keywords

assert #0
assert final
assume #0
assume final
cover #0
cover final

Keywords to be used in assertion sequences:

dist {}

Theory Questions
    Locked Solution
    Locked Solution
    Locked Solution
Coding Questions
    Locked Solution