What is a sequence item?

In the context of UVM (Universal Verification Methodology), a "sequence item" is a basic data structure used to represent a specific transaction that is to be exchanged between the testbench and the design under test (DUT). Sequence items play a crucial role in UVM's stimulus generation and response checking process during verification.

Inbuilt Methods
Method Description
get_type_name() Returns the string representation of the sequence item's type name.
do_copy() Provides a deep copy of the sequence item, including all of its fields and properties.
do_compare() Compares two sequence items for equality.
convert2string() Returns a string representation of the sequence item's data.
do_pack() Packs the data fields of the sequence item into a uvm_packer for transaction recording and communication.
do_unpack() Unpacks the data fields from a uvm_packer into the sequence item.
do_print() Prints information about the sequence item to the UVM default report file.
do_record() Records the sequence item in a database for coverage and analysis purposes.
do_copy_with() Similar to do_copy() , but allows users to customize the copy process with a context.
// Filename : basic_transaction.sv

class basic_transaction extends uvm_sequence_item;

    bit [7:0] random_var;


	extern         function      new(string name = "No_Name_Item");



function basic_transaction::new(string name = "No_Name_Item");

endfunction: new
Theory Questions
    A custom uvm_sequence_item is defined by extending the uvm_sequence_item class and adding fields, methods, and constraints specific to the transaction.
    Randomization in a uvm_sequence_item is handled using the randomize() method, often with constraints to control how fields are randomized.
    The do_copy() method is used to copy the contents of one uvm_sequence_item to another, ensuring that transaction data can be duplicated when needed.
    Two uvm_sequence_item objects are compared using the do_compare() method, which can be customized to compare specific fields of the transaction.
    The pack() and unpack() methods are used to convert a uvm_sequence_item into a bitstream and vice versa, facilitating communication between different components.
    The uvm_sequence_item has a built-in do_print() method that provides a formatted output of its fields, which can be customized for more detailed reporting.
    The get_type_name() method returns the type name of the uvm_sequence_item, which is useful for identifying the type of transaction during debug and reporting.
    The driver.