Delays refer to the time intervals that you can specify to control the timing behavior of your digital design during simulation. Delays allow you to model the propagation of signals through gates, wires, and other elements in your design. Usually used to model real world circuit behaviour. They play a crucial role in accurately representing the timing characteristics of your design. The keywords for using delays are givn below:
a = #10 b;
// ( inertial delay/ intra delay )
#10 a = b;
// ( transport delay/ inter delay )
module top; integer a,b; initial begin fork begin a = #5 100; end begin #5 b = 200; end join $display( "a : %0d, b : %0d", a, b ); #5; $display( "a : %0d, b : %0d", a, b ); end endmodule
module top; integer a,b,c; initial begin a = #4 100; b <= a; #1 c = #5 b; c <= 200; end initial begin $monitor( $time, "a : %0d, b : %0d, c : %0d", a, b, c ); end endmodule
module top; integer a,b; initial begin foreach begin #10 b = $urandom; end end assign a = @( posedge clk ) b; endmodule