In Verilog, randomization refers to the process of generating random or pseudo-random values for variables or signals during simulation. Randomization is used to create various test scenarios, stimulate different input conditions, and uncover corner cases in a design's behavior. It's a crucial technique in functional verification to ensure that a design functions correctly across a wide range of possible inputs.
$random_range( min, max )
module top; reg [31:0] RAND; initial begin RAND = $urandom; RAND[0] = 1; $display("RAND : %0d", RAND); end endmodule
function getNum; return $urandom%100; endfunction module top; reg [31:0] RAND; initial begin RAND = getNum(); $display("RAND : %0d", RAND); end endmodule
function getMaxMinRange( integer max, integer min ); return ($urandom%(max-min))+min+1; endfunction module top; reg [31:0] RAND; initial begin RAND = getMaxMinRange(30,5); $display("RAND : %0d", RAND); end endmodule
function getRand; return ($urandom/3)*3; endfunction module top; reg [31:0] RAND; initial begin RAND = getRand(); $display("RAND : %0d", RAND); end endmodule
function integer getWeight(); return {$urandom,(($urandom%100)<20)?1'b0:1'b1}; endfunction module top; integer RAND; integer i; initial begin for( i = 0; i < 20; i=i+1 ) begin RAND = getWeight(); $display("RAND : %0d", RAND); end end endmodule
function reg [31:0] getUs(); return {$urandom>>1}; endfunction module top; integer RAND; initial begin RAND = getUs(); $display("RAND : %0d", RAND); end endmodule
function reg [63:0] get64(); return {$urandom,$urandom}; endfunction module top; reg [63:0] RAND; initial begin RAND = getUs(); $display("RAND : %0d", RAND); end endmodule