Execution block refers to the snippet of code which is altogather treated as a single thread or block which is executed by the simulator. Most of the time a verilog code will have plenty of execution blocks which are first compiled and then executed depending on the rules described in the IEEE Verilog LRM .
This is the block of code inside which each and every line is treated a sequential command. So in essence, the simulator runs code inside the procedural block in a line by line fashion. Most of the code in verilog is treated as procedural in nature. The exception where they are threated as continous is mentioned in the next section. Some of the more commonly used keywords which act as the scope for procedural code blocks are mentioned below:-
In this block, every line is treated as a independent and standalone thread. The system/simulator follows the rules of multi-threading and executed these lines of code in such a manner that they mimic parallel code execution.
Continous blocks or parallel execution of code can be achieved by either writing assign keyword in a module or by placing code inside fork-join block.
module top; initial begin $display("Before fork-join"); fork begin $display("A"); end begin #3 $display("B"); end begin #2 $display("C"); end join $display("After fork-join"); end endmodule
function integer palindrome_check_4D( integer num ); if( num < 1000 || num > 9999 ) begin return 0; end else begin return ( (num%1000 == num/1000) && ((num/100)%10 == (num/10)%10) ) && 1; end endfunction module top; integer i = 0; initial begin fork begin for ( i = 0; i < 50000; i = i + 1 ) begin if( palindrome_check_4D(i) ) begin break; end end end join $display("Final Value : %0d", i); end endmodule
module top; initial begin fork begin : ONE #6 $display("ONE Completed"); disable TWO; disable THREE; end : ONE begin : TWO #2 $display("TWO Completed"); disable THREE; disable ONE; end : TWO begin : THREE #5 $display("THREE Completed"); disable TWO; disable ONE; end : THREE join $display("fork-join Completed"); end endmodule